Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Modern medicine cannot yet explain how acupuncture works. The art of acupuncture is based on Chinese ancient theories of the flow of an essential substance called Qi which nourishes all body tissues and organs as well as the mind and emotions.

Qi - often described as the body's electromagnetic energy, travels in the body along well defined pathways identified by Chinese practitioners over centuries of meticulous clinical observation. Tiny needles are inserted along these channels at areas of maximum energy - the acupuncture points.  This promotes the body's innate abilities to heal by regulating and balancing the flow of its own energy - Qi.

Is Acupuncture Safe?

When performed by a trained and licensed professional, acupuncture is very safe. All licensed practitioners are using individually wrapped, sterile, disposable needles. So there is virtually no chance of infection or contagion.

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Often people are interested in acupuncture but afraid of needles. However the tiny filament needles bare no resemblance to painful hypodermic needles, and insertion is virtually painless. Brief needling sensation varies from pinching, to stinging sensation, to a feeling of numbness or heavyness. These are signs that the treatment is having a positive effect. In fact most people find acupuncture treatments relaxing and refreshing.

How many treatments will be needed?

That depends on the duration, severity, and nature of patient's complaint.  There may be only a single treatment to relieve an acute condition.  A series of 5-10 treatments may resolve a chronic problem.  Some degenerative conditions may require many treatments over time.  To help reduce the number of treatments, the practitioner may suggest dietary modifications, special exercises, massage, and/or Chinese herbal medicine.  All of the additional recommendations may enhance the results of acupuncture treatment.